Transformers Dancing to the Beat of Artistic Entropy

Rishi Yadav
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2023


Yesterday’s edition sparked the first embers of our discussion on entropy, a concept as intriguing as it is elusive. This term holds a cherished spot in my mental library, a gift from my elder sister who, during her scholastic voyage, found herself irresistibly drawn to its cryptic allure. Such is the beguiling charm of entropy — it’s an intellectual siren song, luring the curious and the keen, including the anthropomorphized transformers that populate our narrative!

Entropy in Transformers

The concept of entropy, often associated with randomness and disorder, is pivotal in the world of generative artificial intelligence, especially in the realm of large language models. Our focus in this discourse is the nuanced interaction between entropy and the operational dynamics of transformer models, primarily in the foundational, or base, models.

This intricate relationship, firmly rooted in probability and information theory, is vital for transformers to generate a wide-ranging spectrum of responses. Through this delicate interplay, transformers are not just enriching the scope of generative AI, but also pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable in machine learning and natural language processing.

The interplay between transformers and entropy has profoundly shaped the landscape of generative AI. Utilizing entropy’s inherent randomness and unpredictability, transformers can generate a diverse array of text outputs. This mechanism not only amplifies the capabilities of generative AI, but also opens new avenues for innovation and advancement in this field.

As you know this series is inspired by real-world insights, specifically referencing Andrej Karpathy’s enlightening talk on the training infrastructure of AI assistants like ChatGPT, as presented at Microsoft Build 2023. This dialogue continues the narrative initiated in previous two newsletters, further probing the symbiotic relationship between entropy and large language models in the realm of generative artificial intelligence.

The Power of 80 Scholars: Adaptability and Efficiency in Transformers

Taking our narrative further from yesterday’s discussion of transformers as scholars, let’s explore the number of scholars involved. Transformers consist of 80 layers of reasoning, which can be likened to having 80 scholars working in unison. This multitude of reasoning layers brings significant advantages to the table.

One of the remarkable benefits is that once these scholars, or layers, are fully pre-trained, they require very few examples to learn how to answer questions in specific settings. Whether faced with an assembly of law-makers deliberating complex policies or a class of kindergartners inquisitively seeking knowledge, transformers can seamlessly adapt. Their extensive pre-training, involving billions to hundreds of billions of tokens and tens of billions of parameters, equips them with a broad understanding of various domains.

Given my fascination with metaphors, allow me to suggest a new metaphor for transformers (can’t resist). Consider trained soldiers who have absorbed the techniques used in every recorded war throughout history and beyond (thanks to inference). Just like these soldiers, transformers don’t need to start from scratch for each new scenario. With minimal additional information about a specific battle, they can engage and emerge victorious. This is due to their pre-existing wealth of knowledge and the ability to quickly contextualize and apply it to the given situation, resulting in an impressive level of efficiency.

By the virtue of extensive training and vast amounts of data, they become versatile problem solvers, capable of tackling diverse challenges with remarkable adaptability and efficiency. This highlights the immense potential of transformers as scholars within the realm of AI.

Transformers are Token-Operated

Transformers, the remarkable entities of artificial intelligence, have a fascinating characteristic-they rely on tokens to power their cognitive processes. In Andrej Karpathy’s insightful description, transformers can be seen as token simulators, symbolizing their ability to consume and manipulate tokens as the building blocks of their thoughts. This analogy brings to mind the image of transformers voraciously devouring tokens, deriving meaning and generating responses.

What sets transformers apart is not just their token consumption, but also their possession of vast factual knowledge and extensive memory. They stand as repositories of information, akin to scholars with a profound understanding of various subjects. Through their pre-training, transformers acquire a wealth of facts, allowing them to draw upon a rich tapestry of knowledge in their responses. Karpathy eloquently captures this attribute by stating that transformers possess the remarkable ability to remember everything within their context window, ensuring a lossless retention of relevant information.

However, transformers face a limitation in their reasoning abilities per token. The depth of their reasoning is distributed across multiple tokens, which necessitates a spread-out approach to unlock their full potential. Presenting a transformer with an excessive number of questions in a single instance may overwhelm its processing capacity and yield suboptimal results. To achieve optimal performance, it is preferable to engage transformers with multiple questions or tasks in a sequential manner. This strategic sequencing allows transformers to navigate each query effectively, leveraging their vast knowledge and cognitive abilities to provide thoughtful and accurate responses.


Transformers excel at leveraging entropy to generate a diverse array of outcomes, deftly showcasing a semblance of consciousness-a force traditionally considered a counter to entropy. This fascinating interplay between entropy and consciousness-like behavior in generative AI and large language models (LLMs) is truly captivating. The sheer breadth of outputs that base models in LLMs can produce should indeed be harnessed to its fullest potential.

However, this also prompts caution about the excessive reliance on human feedback in reinforcement learning-a concern I’ve voiced on numerous occasions. While human insight is valuable, an overemphasis could risk stifling the innovative spontaneity that is the hallmark of these transformative models. Balancing human intervention with the innate power of these AI models is a challenge that requires our thoughtful attention.

Originally published at



This blog is mostly around my passion for generative AI & ChatGPT. I will also cover features of our chatgpt driven end-2-end testing platform